Wednesday 29 August 2012

A Delightful Adventure

~ image ~ Sedja sketches Jaqi Bluh in the studio ~ on the new couch

A good model can at times be hard to come by and at present I have a good friend living nearby at Nautilus to call upon, with Jaqi Bluh.

The new couch is handy too, as a place to work on, snooze, dream and generate impossible visions.

Nautilus is a very happy place to have a studio, with its echo of history and with the Space Pioneers nearby presenting ambitious designs for our future beyond Earth.

Hopefully we won't get another Earthquake at Nautilus any time soon, as sunken ruins and collapsed walls around the coast show has been the fate of the island from time to time.

Jaqi has the old Bohemian gallery, next to the general store, where she displays odd pieces of art to admire ~ and wonders about that great novel that hasn't been written yet.

Now to ponder upon the exhibition pieces for the gallery over yonder, all finished and ready for some artistic action.

It is all quite a delightful adventure.

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